Daily Dose (Aug 1 – 4)
Tuesday -- This week, our reminder is from the tribal chief’s talk with the children about the colonial officials who visited them. “They miss so much of the joy of today all around them... They miss much of the present…
Tuesday -- This week, our reminder is from the tribal chief’s talk with the children about the colonial officials who visited them. “They miss so much of the joy of today all around them... They miss much of the present…
Tuesday -- Not that long ago, I danced with manatees. Lord have mercy, it was good.I was in Manasota Key, Florida, my annual May gathering with my friends of forty years. We swap stories and talk about the way the…
Tuesday -- This week, we are invited to practice (and sing along, of course), “This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine.”From the Jesus’ affirmation, “You are the light of the world.” Adding, “Let your light shine.”Let.…
Tuesday -- GK Chesterton tells the story of a teenage boy granted a wish by a genie: to be huge or to be tiny.We are all swayed by the appeal of being big, strong and powerful.So, the boy chose huge.…
Tuesday -- An eleven-year-old girl lived with her grandmother. Labeled "different," adjustment to school was not easy. Her mother was not a reliable presence. As if life is not tough enough, her father had been recently killed. She knew him…
Tuesday -- This week, the invitation to dance, to keep our hope alive.A synagogue needed help. They were in dire straights, and morale was low. They called a famous Rabbi to help them sort it out, to offer them insights…
Tuesday -- There is a parable about three stonecutters working on a cathedral, set in the Middle Ages. Each is asked what he is doing.The first responds angrily, "Idiot! Use your eyes! They bring me a rock, I cut it…
Tuesday -- This Sabbath Moment is dedicated to the child within us: because like it or not, our childhood stays with us forever, regardless of our age.Mr. Rogers used to remind us everybody was a child once. I can tell…
Tuesday -- As a boy, stories from the Bible were a staple in my education. Remember the Old Testament story about Moses, on a mountain in a desolate place, on the edge of gloom? A bush begins to burn. And…
Tuesday -- This week, we will listen to Mr. Rogers’ invitation, “It's not so much what we have in this life that matters. It's what we do with what we have. The alphabet is fine, but it's what we do…