Nourished by gratitude
A businessman walks the airport concourse, on his way to baggage claim. His flight is late in arriving, and his mood is melancholy. This is the end of a long business trip; his energy spent and his emotions raw. If…
A businessman walks the airport concourse, on his way to baggage claim. His flight is late in arriving, and his mood is melancholy. This is the end of a long business trip; his energy spent and his emotions raw. If…
I know I’m not alone in feeling exhausted. Maybe drained is more accurate. (Not dissimilar to the toll the heat has taken in places around the States and in Europe.)A reminder of the gift and the replenishing power in emotional…
On my walk this Easter morning, I had no Sabbath Moment prepared, so, the fretting needled my spirit. There’s still a part of me that is tangled by keeping score, and melancholy on Easter is frowned upon, so is something…
Several years ago, a well-known minister was invited to give the homily at a Union Gospel Mission. The Union Gospel Mission is an urban ministry, providing food, shelter and recovery for homeless men. Before the meal, the men are invited to "attend" a church service. For the majority, if not all,…
“Do you have any stories for people who feel like the world is upside down? For those of us carrying grief?” A reader asked.The answer is yes.For starters, I’m glad she asked. You see, I probably wouldn’t have. When life gets sticky…
Welcome to a new year. People have asked about my resolutions. (I tell them I’m still working on last year’s list.) Or, with our precarious world, some ask for advice on navigating it all. (I don’t remember taking a seminary…
Some movies are worth watching again and again. Because they’re good for the heart.In 1979, violinist Isaac Stern visited China. His month-long trip is recorded in the Academy-award-winning documentary, From Mao to Mozart.Stern expresses gratitude to the Chinese people (who…
Too often, the headlines tear at our national emotional quilt.I enjoy an expansive vocabulary. But some days, I don’t have words. And the spiral I take toward mental exhaustion isn’t fun.It’s as if I wake up at the mercy of…
Tell me the weight of a snowflake," a coal-mouse (a small bird) asked a wild dove."Nothing more than nothing," was the answer."In that case, I must tell you a marvelous story," the coal-mouse said."I sat on a fir branch, close…