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This Is The Life

Sacred Necessities

Soul Gardening

Sanctuary: Create a Space for Grace AUDIO Course

How to Harness the Power of Pause

IMG_1620Hi ,

Welcome to “How to Harness the Power of Pause.”
I’m so glad you’ve joined fellow journeyers and me.

All of the course sessions are below (scroll down to skip the overview), but first let me get a couple of the technical details out of the way (or as we used to say in church, “announcements”).

The Emails — You will receive 12 emails, three per week. The emails will remind you of the current session, and of your log in info, with a link to the website. It will bring you to this page.
Each session will include stories and reflections plus suggestions for discussion, journaling, and practice during the day or week.

Please use the Comments Box that you will find at the bottom of each Session.  (There will also be a box at the bottom of each of the suggestions for reflection and practice). All participants will see the comments stream. You can read what fellow journeyers are saying, thinking, suggesting, wondering, recommending, reporting, inviting, etc. You can make a general comment or observation, or you can respond specifically to another participant.  Here is where we learn from one another and encourage one anther and ask for support. It is true that we are on this journey together.

I will be taking the course with you, and walking through the exercises… so you’ll see me pop up in the conversation thread…

You’ll also see video clips that illustrate the lesson.

My suggestion? Have a notebook and pen (or pencil) at the ready. Journal, take notes, ask questions. Or, take out some crayons and sketch the images that are evoked from each session. (I’d make the crayons mandatory if I could… just sayin’).

Although you’ll receive 3 sessions per week, please go at your own pace.  All sessions will be available to you on the website through the member page. Access them as quickly, or as slowly, as you wish.

Reminders to help you navigate…

  1. When you have completed the session, click the Mark Complete button (or you can click the Check Mark on the course menu… this is for my list making friends.) Remember, you can always and easily return to any lesson.
  2. When making a comment, there’s a down arrow below the comment box that will allow email notifications if someone responds to your specific comment. Keep the conversation going. It’s a nice feature.
  3. When you login to the member page, if you click the Restart button, you will receive email #1 again. Kind of confusing I know. If you have already begun the course, always click the Green Box. Remember that the emails are ONLY reminders to take you to the member page. All the course content is on the member page. You can pick up wherever you left off. Or revisit past lessons.

Please feel free to forward the course
to anyone who may wish for or need it…

Missing Emails/Address Changes — An archive of the course will build on your Member Page as we go along.  Login to your account and click on the course name. The lessons that have already been sent can be seen. You can read them online, and return to them as often as you wish. If  you wish to have a reminder email resent (if you have accidentally deleted one), please see the link at the bottom of each session.

If you need to change your email address during the course, you can do so easily from the Member Page once you login. Click Here

This should cover all the basics, but technological problems are no respecters of persons… 🙂 So… please contact me if you have any questions, [email protected].

We hope you enjoy this retreat and the permission to pause.

Keep spilling the light,


How to Harness the Power of Pause with Terry Hershey, an e-course consisting of email lessons and video clips was created by Terry Hershey copyright 2016 Terry Hershey. (Elements of this Ecourse first appeared on Spirituality and Practice with Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat. Please check out their other e-courses and wonderful resources.)

  • For information on other Ecourses with Terry Hershey Click Here
    • To change your email address, Click here

Find your Sanctuary

Everyone has a sanctuary. If only in our mind. Even if we can’t name it, we know of its power. It is a place where you do not owe anyone and where no one owes you. Sanctuary is a place where we can be replenished and renewed. To live grounded and wholehearted, sanctuary is imperative.

In this ecourse we will…

–Understand how hurry and distraction take a toll on our spirit.

–Understand how care of any kind—compassion, generosity, communication, reconciliation, service, ministry, teaching, giving—begins with and is nourished by self-care. Or in the words of Charlie Parker, “If it ain’t in you it can’t come out of your horn.”

–Understand the ingredients necessary to create sanctuary to be nourished and grounded… to create space for grace. We will learn the good news that these ingredients are not something to be added to our life. They are already a part of our DNA.

–Learn ways to be intentional about making sanctuary a part of our days, a place for healing and an opportunity to be a sanctuary for others.

–Learn how to let this life in. Every bit of it. In sanctuary we can be wholehearted; whether grief or gladness or sadness or joy. We make space to see and to be seen. We make space to welcome, to offer comfort and hope.

Along the way, we will tackle these questions…
What if my plate is too full? What choices do I make if I can’t do it all?
What if I don’t believe that I am enough?
Where do I go to replenish?
Where do I find renewal for my spirit and my heart?
What does it mean to be present for my own life?
How do I find my own voice?
Where do I find the resources to live authentically?

Through our online course portal and during live calls, we will share reflections, practices, conversations (and sanctuary photos) with fellow journeyers.
There are 12 sessions, 3 per week. The good news is that you can complete each module at your own pace.
You will have an opportunity to learn, to befriend your hurried self and to live your days fully alive and wholehearted, finding, creating and embracing sanctuary.
And, I will be present with you throughout the course as a part of the ongoing conversation and the communication thread.


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