The invitation of Grace
Maybe it’s my age, but these days I do pay closer attention to obituary columns, and headlines about people I know who have died. And too often think, or say, “That’s too young.”This past week, Bishop Carlton D. Pearson, a…
Maybe it’s my age, but these days I do pay closer attention to obituary columns, and headlines about people I know who have died. And too often think, or say, “That’s too young.”This past week, Bishop Carlton D. Pearson, a…
Tuesday -- In one encounter with a teacher in India, Donald Hall asks him to define "contentment.""Absorbedness," the teacher replies.Now, I can't find absorbedness in any dictionary. But here's my best guess: "Let life in."Let life in... in the wonder.Let…
I write (and talk) a lot about embracing beauty in the ordinary. The sacrament of the present moment. But some days, I feel undone by life's unsightliness. The cracks, fault lines and intense suffering takes a toll.I reread Donald Hall's…
Tuesday -- This week we take to heart the story of a homesick dog making news headlines in Seattle. He negotiated traffic, eluded Washington State Police, and crossed a bridge.Why? Because it was love that brought Zeb home.His caper-filled journey…
Some years ago, a homesick dog made news headlines in Seattle. He negotiated traffic, eluded Washington State Police, and crossed a bridge. (Yes, it sounds like a Far Side Cartoon.) But this was not just any bridge.Zeb, an Australian shepherd,…
Tuesday -- This week we take to heart Mother Teresa’s reminder, "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."Well, if we do belong to one other, then "they"—the "least of these"…
I sat down today to write Sabbath Moment. But a blank paper continued to stare back. That’s never fun. So, I picked up the newspaper, and read this headline, “How to Stay Sane in Brutalizing Times,” by David Brooks.I picked…
Tuesday -- This week, we’re giving ourselves the permission to “be tiny”—enamored with and nourished by simple delights. To savor the gift of the sacred, in the ordinary and the mundane.And yes, I will continue to put my money on…
GK Chesterton tells the story of a teenage boy granted one wish by a genie. “Do you wish to be huge or tiny?”We are all swayed by the appeal of being big, strong and powerful. So, no surprise, the boy…
Tuesday -- “They serve one another. And they protect one another,” the little boy noticed on a world-hopping trip visiting "underprivileged" countries (where his father had the firm purpose of showing his son, how “poor people” live).The father wasn’t imagining…