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Daily Dose (Sept 5 – 8)

Tuesday -- This week we are taking Jimmy Buffett’s lyrics to heart...“And there's that one particular harbourSheltered from the windWhere the children play on the shore each dayAnd all are safe within” We need to remember and be embraced by…

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Daily Dose (Aug 22 – 25)

Tuesday -- "We must risk delight. We can do without pleasure, but not delight,” is our reminder this week, from Poet Jack Gilbert.The gift in our story yesterday, the delighted child in the Post Office, waiting for her Mamma, savoring…

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Daily Dose (Aug 14 – 17)

Tuesday -- I’ve been asked, too often in my life, what I believe. My favorite variation, is any inquiry about my doctrinal statement. This begins a volley of theological catch phrases, which become de facto passwords for many religious organizations.…

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