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Daily Dose. (Apr 25 – 28)

Tuesday -- "All real living is meeting." Martin BuberReal life happens in the present, and in the Presence. When we see one another as precious. Knowing that we are all welcomed into God’s compassionate heart, no exceptions, no exclusion.Here’s what…

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Daily Dose (Apr 18 – 21)

Tuesday -- This week, let us hear the invitation of grace.“Look at my eyes. Now take one step”, no longer confined by what we see as limitations. My grandmother—Southern Baptist born and bred—didn't cotton to folks in her church who played…

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Daily Dose (April 4 – 7)

Tuesday -- “When your life is filled with the desire to see the holiness in everyday life, something magical happens: Ordinary life becomes extraordinary, and the very process of life begins to nourish your soul.” Rabbi Harold S. Kushner There…

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