Daily Dose (Nov 12 – 15)
TUESDAY NOV 12 -- There are two places we need to go often.A place that heals you.And a place that inspires you.Both places embrace the permission (the invitation) to show up. To this life. To this day. To be here…
TUESDAY NOV 12 -- There are two places we need to go often.A place that heals you.And a place that inspires you.Both places embrace the permission (the invitation) to show up. To this life. To this day. To be here…
The world changes.The ground shifts.We still make plans.We still find gifts.(Thank you Lin-Manuel Miranda)I’ve had many conversations over this past week. And for many people, the shift has been very daunting. And continues to provoke the pestering question, “So now,…
TUESDAY NOV 5 -- Sometimes it is easy to forget that every single one of us can make a difference in our world.And the choices we do make, do matter.As the farmer told his neighbor, "Well, that may be true…
A farmer walks along the furrowed row, stopping every three feet, to place a potato start into the soil. His young son keeps pace, on the opposite side of the furrow, weighted with a burlap sack of starts, wholehearted in…
TUESDAY OCT 29 -- This week we remember the little girl who gave her father a gift, which he assumed was an empty box. And remembering her words, looking up at her father, with tears on her face, "But Daddy,…
On Christmas Eve, a young father watches his 3-year-old daughter do her best to meticulously wrap a present. And she feels old enough to do so, without any help from a parent. (Remember that phase?)Choosing a roll of expensive gold-foil…
TUESDAY OCT 22 -- This week, we are learning to practice Rabbi Eizik’s wisdom, that “the place where this treasure can be found is the place on which one stands.” (Martin Buber)That all sounds well and good, but sometimes where…
Do you know the story of Rabbi Eizik, son of Rabbi Yekel of Cracow?After many years of hardship and poverty, he dreamed someone bade him look for a treasure in Prague, under the bridge that leads to the king’s palace.…
TUESDAY OCT 15 -- This week: what do we do when we feel threatened (undone) by uncertainty?When we feel undefended and vulnerable?When, like the farmer, we put our arms up to welcome the animals into our world, only to be…
There was a farmer who had a lot of fields, and he kept all the birds and creatures away from his crops with traps and fences. He was very successful.But he was also very lonely.So, one day, he stood in…