Find Your Sanctuary: Create Space for Grace
You have a sanctuary, even if you’ve only imagined it.
Even if you can’t name it, you know of its power.
It is a space of total freedom, where you do not owe anyone and where no one owes you.
Sanctuary is a place where you can be replenished and renewed again and again in order to live grounded and wholehearted.
Are you wondering…
How can I make life-giving choices if my spirit or heart is on empty?
What if my plate is too full? What choices do I make if I can’t do it all?
What if I don’t believe that I am enough?
Where do I go to replenish?
What does it mean to be present for my own life?
How do I find my own voice?
Where do I find the resources to live authentically?
I want you to experience peace of mind and feel reenergized no matter how hectic life can be.
When you invite more grace into your life and commit to cultivating your own sanctuary:
• You feel glad to be alive
• Relationships are places of affirmation and healing
• Sufficiency expands in all areas of your life
• Your peace of mind prevails even in the midst of life’s chaos
• You choose to be grateful now
• You are 100% present in your life
In this workshop we will…
Understand how and why hurry and distraction take a toll on our spirit.
Understand how care of any kind—compassion, generosity, communication, reconciliation, service, ministry, teaching, giving—begins with and is nourished by self-care. Or in the words of Charlie Parker, “If it ain’t in you it can’t come out of your horn.”
Learn the ingredients necessary to create sanctuary to be nourished and grounded… to create space for grace. We will learn the good news that these ingredients are not something to be added to our life. They are already a part of our DNA.
Discover ways to be intentional about making sanctuary a part of our days, a place for healing and an opportunity to be a sanctuary for others.
Experience how to let this life in. Every bit of it. In sanctuary we can be wholehearted; whether grief or gladness or sadness or joy. We make space to see and to be seen. We make space to welcome, to offer comfort and hope.
Praise for Find Your Sanctuary
Finding your sanctuary has gifted me with opportunities for reflection and focus each week. It disarms (or releases) that desire of control – to do more, attain more, and be more. Find your sanctuary opens my heart to be gentle and present … To myself, my loved ones, and all of my people. – Andrea
It was meaningful and revealing to reflect upon my idea of sanctuary. It’s something I wouldn’t have thought about on my own. Lovely journey! – Rachel
The practice of Sanctuary seems to have always been present in my life… especially in my backyard like Mr. Hershey; I just wasn’t aware of its true Sacredness and Grace as God’s gift to me for so many years. I have now learned that Sanctuary is portable. It lies within my soul, mind and heart. It is a place that I take with me everywhere I go, if only I can extract myself from the distractions of our exterior world. I love that we read the book as our study because it is truly a worthy subject and practice to bring Sanctuary into our lives that we can find moments of peace in a world that is full of unrest and sometimes chaos. Our world needs to consciously know that there is a place we can go to ground ourselves, our lives and find peace, rest and renewal. It helps us to remember who we are and that we were created by God with a particular purpose; a purpose that may be instilled in us if only we allow it to come to us in that Sanctuary. – Velma
What I did not share was how important this time was as Bill and I navigate my bilateral breast cancer diagnoses from 3 weeks ago. It’s early and non aggressive but shocking and like an earthquake rocked our world. Exploring the idea of “sanctuary” was ideal for us… Looking to try to find a port in the storm. Specifically, I have applied the idea of portal and sanctuary to embarking on a trip to Italy we have planned. We left today as a matter of fact. My anxiety levels and sleep have been debilitating. I could not imagine despite much work and prayer how I could pack cancer away along with my anxiety and get past my fears and get on the plane. I have used many tools which have helped. Amazing people who have helped put Humpty Dumpty back together until I could breathe enough on my own. The idea of portal and sanctuary are a piece of that puzzle. I look at my flight as a portal. Transporting me out of cancer thinking and fear to a place of joy, happiness laughter and beauty that will in turn be part of my healing. In this portal I have also had an inspiration to journal part of the pain I have been experiencing . I can feel as I put the words to paper, a release that I think is important to my moving forward with confidence and strength. I can see God’s hand guiding me. – Karen

About Terry Hershey
Terry Hershey is an author, humorist, inspirational speaker, dad, ordained minister, golf addict, and smitten by French wine. He divides his time between designing sanctuary gardens and sharing his practice of “pausing” and “sanctuary,” to help us do less and live more. Terry’s book, Sanctuary: Creating Places For Grace In Your Life, offers the permission to slow down and to be gentle with ourselves, in a world that demands More-Bigger-Faster. Most days, you can find Terry out in his garden–on Vashon Island in the Puget Sound—because he believes that there is something fundamentally spiritual about dirt under your fingernails.
You can create the spaces for grace in your life now.
I’m here to support you on this journey and look forward to seeing you discover the sanctuary you’ve been craving in your life.