Create Sanctuary eCourse
eCourse May 14 - June 8 What if my plate is too full? What choices do I make if I can’t do it all? What does it mean to be present for my own life? How do I find my…
eCourse May 14 - June 8 What if my plate is too full? What choices do I make if I can’t do it all? What does it mean to be present for my own life? How do I find my…
A sanctuary restores us, replenishes us and nourishes us. We need them more than ever… What you will learn in the webinar…What is sanctuary? Why do we need sanctuary? What are the hurdles and obstacles to sanctuary? What are the…
It is easy to lose a sense of self in a world of hurry and distraction and anxiety. Have you ever felt overwhelmed, only to add one more thing to your to-do list? Have you ever wished for an extra…
My grandmother -- Gladys Thelma Andrews... on her porch swing My grandmother--Southern Baptist born and bred--didn't cotton to folks in her church who played the judgmental-eternal-damnation- card just to feel good about themselves, or for the sake of proving a…