Grace heals
Once upon a time, there was a boy who didn't like himself very much. It was not his fault. He was born with cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is something that happens to the brain. It means that you can think…
Once upon a time, there was a boy who didn't like himself very much. It was not his fault. He was born with cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is something that happens to the brain. It means that you can think…
A family went out to restaurant for lunch. The waitress arrives. “What’ll you’ll have?” She asks.The husband gives his order, and then says, “And the wife will have…”The waitress turns to the five-year-old daughter, “And sugar, what’ll you have?”With a…
David Orr’s wisdom is my go-to reset button. “The plain fact is that the planet does not need more successful people. But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind. It needs people who…
On my flight home, I enjoyed watching August Rush. I do love movies that are good for free-flowing tears, and healing for the heart. This one a reminder that "music is everywhere, all you have do is open yourself up,…
It's already long past departure time. I'm standing near the gate, waiting for the inbound passengers to deplane. There's nowhere to go, and the plane will depart when it departs. Even so, the passengers (including me) are beginning to huddle,…
The year is 1953. Eleven-year-old Mike is diligent about his paper route, setting aside money to buy the desire of his heart. His parents tell him that he can spend the money he earns on whatever he wants (as long…
We live in a world that needs healing, from the gentle arms and hands of grace.And every smile, every laugh, every moment of kindness, every bit of gentleness and tenderness, and every gift of grace, lets a little more healing…
Maybe it’s my age, but these days I do pay closer attention to obituary columns, and headlines about people I know who have died. And too often think, or say, “That’s too young.”This past week, Bishop Carlton D. Pearson, a…
Some years ago, a homesick dog made news headlines in Seattle. He negotiated traffic, eluded Washington State Police, and crossed a bridge. (Yes, it sounds like a Far Side Cartoon.) But this was not just any bridge.Zeb, an Australian shepherd,…
Some days the headlines are just too big to put our emotional arms (and heart) around. And when it happens, my heart is heavy. And sadly, I do my best to ignore it, and close my eyes, to my detriment.So.…