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Daily Dose (Dec 10 – 13)

TUESDAY DEC 10 -- This week, we are talking about reclaiming ourselves, to be (and feel) alive in our own skin.To live wholehearted and unabashed in a skin (a self) that feels, values, honors, esteems, loves, fears, desires, hopes for,…

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Daily Dose (Nov 26 – 29)

TUESDAY NOV 26 -- On my Camino walk, I’ve been carrying Howard Thurman’s reminder, “There must be always remaining in every life, some place for the singing of angels, some place for that which in itself is breathlessly beautiful.”And yes,…

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Daily Dose (Nov 19 – 22)

TUESDAY NOV 19 -- Walking gives your mind time and space.To wander and mull and ponder.And evaluate, and then re-evaluate.I’m walking, but gratefully my heart and spirit are “walking” too. That's the gift of a pilgrimage. It invites (and allows) us to…

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