Greater than limitations
“How is your heart?” I was asked this week.It made me stop. And think. And admit that I prefer, “Are you keeping busy?” because that question is easier to answer.In John’s Gospel, there is a wonderful story about a tough…
“How is your heart?” I was asked this week.It made me stop. And think. And admit that I prefer, “Are you keeping busy?” because that question is easier to answer.In John’s Gospel, there is a wonderful story about a tough…
Care of any kind—compassion, generosity, forgiveness, reconciliation, peacemaking, service, ministry, teaching, giving, healing—begins with and is nourished by self-care. By self-compassion.So. Our invitation this week; let us be gentle with ourselves. A restorative mainlined straight to the heart. Although, my…
David Orr’s wisdom is my go-to reset button. “The plain fact is that the planet does not need more successful people. But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind. It needs people who…
On my flight home, I enjoyed watching August Rush. I do love movies that are good for free-flowing tears, and healing for the heart. This one a reminder that "music is everywhere, all you have do is open yourself up,…
It's already long past departure time. I'm standing near the gate, waiting for the inbound passengers to deplane. There's nowhere to go, and the plane will depart when it departs. Even so, the passengers (including me) are beginning to huddle,…
Maybe it’s my age, but these days I do pay closer attention to obituary columns, and headlines about people I know who have died. And too often think, or say, “That’s too young.”This past week, Bishop Carlton D. Pearson, a…
A young seminary student (studying to become a Rabbi) found himself distraught, and sought the advice of his mentor."Rabbi," he said, "I try to pray and study. I give it my full attention. But I feel constrained and stuck. In…
I have a soft heart. And too often, I’m afraid to say so.Forgetting that “Tenderness is the path of choice for the strongest, most courageous men and women.” As Pope Francis reminded us. And I take a deep breath and…
A couple anticipated attending the opening of a new museum exhibit.At the last moment, their childcare plans fell through. They were left with the only option of taking their young daughter, seven years old, with them. They expected that the…
Sherry Turkle visited a Darwin exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History with her teenage daughter. At the entrance of the show stood a cage with two grand Galapagos turtles. Magnificent creatures from a fantasy world.Feeling sorry for the…