May love guide our steps
On my walk this morning, the geese are huddled, no doubt wishing they had headed south for the winter.“I get it,” I tell them.And since the geese weren’t in a hurry to scurry off, I decided a brief homily wouldn’t…
On my walk this morning, the geese are huddled, no doubt wishing they had headed south for the winter.“I get it,” I tell them.And since the geese weren’t in a hurry to scurry off, I decided a brief homily wouldn’t…
“It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.” Thank you, Eleanor Roosevelt.Please count me in. I’m definitely in favor.And yet, I do wonder how (and even if) it is possible—to spill light, or to make a difference,…
In the beginning, God didn’t make just one or two people; he made a whole bunch of us. “Because” he said, “you can’t really have a lot of fun—taking delight and savoring life—unless there’s a whole bunch of you.”And he…
I write this sitting by the fireplace, savoring the dancing flames. The Advent candles are lit, and Silent Night is playing in the background.A settled stillness. And deep breaths for this gift of enough. Smiling about the magical power of…
This morning, on the first Sunday of Advent, I lit a candle in The Porto Cathedral, where my Camino began almost three weeks ago. And began to walk north again, on the Camino route for just the first stage, as…
On Christmas Eve, a young father watches his 3-year-old daughter do her best to meticulously wrap a present. And she feels old enough to do so, without any help from a parent. (Remember that phase?)Choosing a roll of expensive gold-foil…
There was a farmer who had a lot of fields, and he kept all the birds and creatures away from his crops with traps and fences. He was very successful.But he was also very lonely.So, one day, he stood in…
Rabbi Albert Lewis tells the story of a man seeking employment on a farm; he hands a letter of recommendation to his new employer that reads simply, "He sleeps in a storm." The farmer is uncertain what to make of…
I believe in the healing power of revisiting. Returning to stories—in books and movies and parables—that have reminded us that hope and joy and renewal are alive and well. Stories that ground us in the gifts of sufficiency and wholeness.…
A family went out to restaurant for lunch. The waitress arrives. “What’ll you’ll have?” She asks.The husband gives his order, and then says, “And the wife will have…”The waitress turns to the five-year-old daughter, “And sugar, what’ll you have?”With a…