What makes my heart sing?
In the beginning, God didn’t make just one or two people; he made a whole bunch of us. “Because” he said, “you can’t really have a lot of fun—taking delight and savoring life—unless there’s a whole bunch of you.”And he…
In the beginning, God didn’t make just one or two people; he made a whole bunch of us. “Because” he said, “you can’t really have a lot of fun—taking delight and savoring life—unless there’s a whole bunch of you.”And he…
The young couple stands in the long ticket queue at Knott's Berry Farm. Between the ticket kiosk and the main gate their two young boys—maybe ages five and six—are passing the time, playing, waiting for their parents. Their focus of…
One of my favorite parts about walking (including a good bit of wandering and roving) the Portuguese Camino, is that I approvingly have no idea where my mind (thoughts or spirit) is heading on any particular day. And consequently, no idea…
A week ago, while touring the awe-inspiring Porto Cathedral—“born” in the 12th century, and rebuilt and renovated numerous times throughout the centuries, now an elegant mixture of architectural styles—a woman is vacuuming, between and under the pews. The Cathedral is…
Do you know the story of Rabbi Eizik, son of Rabbi Yekel of Cracow?After many years of hardship and poverty, he dreamed someone bade him look for a treasure in Prague, under the bridge that leads to the king’s palace.…
Buddha's teaching method was counter intuitive, to say the very least. More often than not, he didn't even talk. He just sat there.There is a well-known story about The Buddha sitting in a place with hundreds of people gathered around…
In June 1859, Jean-François Gravelet (known as The Great Blondin) crossed Niagara Falls walking a tight rope. During his life, he repeated the feat several times, always with a different theatrical variation: blindfolded, in a sack, trundling a wheelbarrow, on…
Last night our sky lit up, glowing with drama and theater, flashes of lightning followed by resounding thunder, accompanied by wind and heavy rain. And let’s just say, this is very rare for the PNW, especially in August. Even so,…
A young man grew up with the notion that before he got too old, he needed to set about the task of becoming somebody. So, he busied himself with setting goals and accomplishing much. He learned the art of juggling…
A Zen roshi is dying. All of the monks gather—an eagerness restrained—around the deathbed, hoping to be chosen as the next teacher.The roshi asks slowly, “Where is the gardener?”"The gardener," the monks wonder aloud. "He is just a simple man…